Personal Training

Personal Training has been proven to deliver the results you are looking for. Having a PT work with you on a one to one basis gives you the attention and support you need to break through your current fitness plateau.

  • How many times have you been to the gym, walked through the door and been confronted by a load of machines and equipment that you don’t have a clue how to use?

  • You have taken the initiative and booked an induction only to be shown around the machines by a less than enthusiastic gym instructor. The next time you go in you have forgotten half of what you were told and cannot find the instructor to remind you?

  • You have downloaded the latest fitness app and sworn you will do it at home every day. Three weeks later you are doing it twice weekly and losing motivation quicker than you are losing weight!

Does any of the above sound familiar?

Contact us to schedule your free consultation call.

At Cotswold Personal Training we pride ourselves on delivering results. You are looking at this website because you have taken the decision to improve your life.

From the time you have your initial consultation to your first PT session and beyond your training will be structured, progressive and based on your goals and what you need to do to achieve them.

It might be a case of going back to basics, building a solid foundation of movement and learning the compound moves you need. If you have a weak core or poor posture some rehab and mobility based exercises will be brought into the session to correct any imbalances. Trust us when we say that 99% of the people we see and work with (including the trainers!) have something that needs addressing.